
Hiya Furriends!

How are you all doing?

As promised, here are the exiting news (well at least for me!) for today: I now have my own domain, which means my own, self-hosted place on the Internet.

Please join me by clicking on the link:


There is a brand you blog post with pics of us over there!

The weekend is over but I think the humans are happy the entire week is over and hope they (and we) can have a less eventful stressful new week. Milou is not completely back to normal but we sure hope he will get better.

Thank you so much again for all your powerful purrs. Here’s a rare family picture of us three to thank you!

Notice the natural born leader in this house is on top ;-) Life is good.

So, with everything that happened, my editorial schedule was all messed up. Here is what is going to take place the coming week: on Tuesday, I will have super great news about my blog; on Thursday, my human and I are going to review the same great book we were supposed to review last Thursday; on next Caturday, we will have another book review (and a giveaway) related to kitties (of course) and poetry and drawings!

Wishing you all a good week to come!

[Comments have been disabled – I will tell you why on Tuesday]

Texas! The humans are back with Milou!

Texas! The humans are back with Milou

He is furry hungry, which is a good sign!

I purrsonally inspected his carrier to make sure he was treated appropriately. It smelled strange.


I'm back!

I’m back!

Again, thank you to all of you who left loving and caring messages! We are ever so thankful!

Thanks to Ann of Zoolatry

Thanks to Ann of Zoolatry for the graphic

Hiya furriends,

So we have partial good news!

The vet has made the humans wait all day to get back to them because he was doing a surgery (but not to Milou!).

Milou has been doing better. He is eating (now, that’s our Milou!). But the vet wanted to keep him another night. If he’s doing as well until tomorrow, the humans will be able to bring him home!

Of course, the inflammation problem will have to be dealt with later, but right now, this is good news!

THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone for their purrs, prayers, thoughts and get-well wishes! I knew that Milou would be able to feel all your love!

Thank you!!

Thank you so very much to all of you who left get-well wishes and purrs and prayers for Milou.
Thank you also to Ann of Zoolatry for sharing the info with this beautiful graphic of hers.

We are very moved by all your purrs and thoughts and I am sure Milou can feel the love!

He is spending tonight at the vet again unfortunately. He is still not eating and is on IV. The infection also reached the kidney :-( So the vet will have to cure him of the infection before checking what’s wrong with the intestines.

Hopefully, we can get him home tomorrow. I will keep you posted. I might not post anything other than an update tomorrow.

Thanks again for your support.

Hiya everyone!

I had planned a Wordless Wednesday but it won’t happen because we are a little bit worried about Milou.

He has not been feeling too well lately. First he has lost a lot of weight and that’s just not Milou. So the humans took him to the vet on Friday and it turned out he has a urinary infection.

Another problem is that he has inflamed intestines. It might be the inflammatory bowel disease, or something else that we all hope it is not. A biopsy is necessary to know more.

In the past 24 hours, Milou has barely eaten but he drank a lot. It is very unlike Milou not to eat. So the humans were really worried. So he went back to the vet yesterday and the vet kept him in observation for the night.

We are quite worried and are purring for him. We cross our paws for better news soon. I will keep you updated.

The other day I found a super cool box…

Something is telling me I won’t be able to keep it to myself long though…

In French, the word “bookworm” can be translated into the expression “rat de bibliothèque” (library rat). Well, I’m certainly not a rat (!) or a worm (!!) but I’ve always loved books! I guess that makes me a bookcat!

These pics were taken when I was about 9 months old, at my human’s Mom’s home. I was on top the book case. You can click on any picture of the gallery below to biggify and get to the diaporama but first I want to show you something.

Can you see the wallpaper peeling a little near the ceiling? It was me! I wanted to be a home decorator at the time! And can you see my tail? That’s because my human thought I wouldn’t be a good home decorator! The nerve!
You will be able to see that on several pics I am watching my piece of art very proudly!

Speaking of books, my human and I will review a wonderful book on Thursday.

I also learned from Cat Wisdom 101 that April is National Poetry Month. It will finally (I say finally because this has been a project since last December!) be the occasion for a book giveaway linked to poems, drawings and… kitties of course! And this will be on Caturday!

So I wish everyone a great week and hope to see you all on these two days especially!

I don’t know about you, but my human has had a busy past week.

Consequently, I have to work today and do my job of Chief Napper. Actually, I even have to hire an assistant!

How was your week and your weekend? Purrs to everyone!

[You can click on any picture to biggify]

Kitshka! Go back to work!

Stop calling me, human. I don't feel like moving.

Stop calling me, human. I don’t feel like moving.

Is that cream cheese? IS THAT CREAM CHEESE??

Is that cream cheese? IS THAT CREAM CHEESE??

Sorry furriends, gotta run!…

Not so long ago, when my human’s Mom sent me my favorite food for my purrthday, it was packed – you guessed it! – in a box. The box is from the French post office and it can be folded and unfolded.

Of course, it is not enough that the usual suspects would play with MY tunnel… some Mademoiselle has to get MY box too!

I was peacefully napping in my box when…

Who's this? Is this Kitshka?

Who’s this? Is this Kitshka?

Yes, it is Kitshka...

Yes, it is Kitshka…

Kitshka: Hiya Texas! Can I come play in your box? Texas: No!

Kitshka: Hiya Texas! Can I come play in your box?
Texas: No!

Kitshkla: purrlease... Texas: Seriously no!

Kitshka: purrlease…
Texas: Seriously, no!

Kitshka: Come on... Texas: Get out or I'll bunny kick you out!

Kitshka: Come on…
Texas: Get out or I’ll bunny kick you out!

Kitshka: But we can both fit in it! Texas: Out! Out!

Kitshka: But we can both fit in it!
Texas: Out! Out!

Out out out!

Out out out!

Kitshka: Texas is being mean with me, sniff... Texas: Awww... well, okay, let's share the box...

Kitshka: Texas is being mean to me, sniff…
Texas: Awww… well, okay, let’s share the box…

Kitshka: Hooray!! Texas: I think I'm gonna have to find me another box...

Kitshka: Hooray!!
Texas: I think I’m gonna have to find me another box…

Kitshka: Don't take so much room, Texas! Texas: Yep, I need another box...

Kitshka: Don’t take so much room, Texas!
Texas: Yep, I need another box…

Hey, Texas!

Hey, Texas!

Are you leaving?

Are you leaving?

I guess that means the box is mine then, right?

I guess that means the box is mine then, right?

Those pics were taken just two weeks after I was adopted.

[Click to biggify]

My tunnel is super cool and super fun to play with, in, around! I haven’t used it to teleport yet but K and I had lots of fun chasing each over through it.

Needless to say that everyone here, except the humans – Thank Ceiling Cat! – wants to play with it!

Here are the usual suspects, waiting for their turn.

Of course, you’ve seen Kitshka already. Look at Milou.

If only he would stop hissing at me all the time, we could play together!

Have a great, playful Sunday, everyone!

I don’t know if you have noticed, but lately, my human has seized any occasion to post a link to her bloggie on MY BLOG. What can I say? I have way more followers than she has. Ah!

Nevertheless, she came up with an idea she came up with some links from bloggies she was following and I came up with an idea!

Some of the blogs she is following – cooking or other blogs but not cat blogs per se – sometimes post stories about the kitties in the bloggers’ lives. Sometimes I post the links of some posts on my Facebook profile because I think you might enjoy checking them.

So I came up with an idea: Why not post the links in a post here? This could be a monthly post. We think anything kitty-related is interesting, don’t you think?

Please, check the links below and at the bottom of this post, I added a quick survey for you to tell me if you like the idea and would like me to try a monthly edition. Be honest! These are links I have selected because I think you might enjoy checking them, but you are the best able to tell me ;-)

Thank you in advance and enjoy!

This first link is just so you can see cute Norma Jean!

Here are pictures of Flyball, eating baby spinach leaves! I think I’ll stick with chicken though =^.^=

Want to visit the Agora in Athens? What about a kitty as a guide?

The kitties at Love & Olive Oil have trained their humans well!

And finally for the March edition, how to make a cardboard cat condo! That’s a nice project for your humans, I think.

Hope you liked the links! Don’t forget to vote. I already have 5 links for April – and we can never get enough kitties, can we? – but I want to know if you are interested! Thank you!

So, as you know, Texas celebrated his 7th purrthday last week. One of his gifts was a super cool tunnel!

I have been having lots of fun with it. I LOVE it!

[Click to biggify]

I wonder if I could use the lights to teleport Quill and Greyson here…

[Still not sure what VBP is? Check here.]

Dear Furriends,

Today, we have a special announcement regarding the VBP Blog Hop.

On January 17 of this year, Jet, Savannah, and I started a blog hop called VBP – Vocab Building Project (Check above link for more information).

We had lots of fun using new words, and I loved looking for French/English idioms (VBP) that were similar or not and which included the word cat. Unfortunately, life being life, we cannot get the energy needed to continue it right now. So we have decided to stop it, at least momentarily.

I would like to thank all the furriends who collaborated in this project:

Jet and his human, for coming up with the original idea for the blog hop! We’re sending you lots of purrs and hugs!

Savannah and her human, for their perseverance (VBP) and patience, and for posting when we couldn’t. We send you hugs and purrs too!

Miss Ann from Zoolatry for creating all the graphics that you see on this post, as well as the badges. Again, hugs and purrs!

Last but not least, thank you to all the furriends who pawticipated! We hope you had fun in the process. We certainly loved reading your posts! Lots of purrs!

A special shout-out to The Tabbies O Trout Towne for participating to all but 2 of the total of 11 hops! Thank you! Lots of purrs! And salmon!

So, for now, we are closing the VBP dictionary and stopping the hop. But one day maybe…

P.S.: If you had planned a VBP post and plan to post it, please post the link in the comment and I will post a link in a post next week. Thank you furry much for your understanding!

[Still not sure what VBP is? Check here.]

Hiya my dear furriends!

Thank you all so very much for your wishes and for coming to my purrthday pawty! I was – am – both blessed (VBP) and blissful (VBP) to have had you all here!

Here are two more cards that I received. The first one is from Mollie and Alfie:

Thank you guys! This mousie looks very yummy!

And the second one is from my furriend Easy:

Loved, absolutely loved the beret and the baguette!

I am yet to visit each and everyone of you to thank you purrsonally. Sorry to be so late.

But you see, on top of my human having little time, I did need some time to offset (VBP) the effects of nip… I had to nap a little…

And so did Kitshka…

We were exhausted (VBP)!

So we’ll be back to blogging and visiting your bloggies starting tomorrow!

Also something else impawtant: we’ll have an announcement regarding VBP on Thursday. But for now, mum’s the word! (VBP)

Below are the past week’s pawticipants. As always, click on the bluey badge at the bottom of this post to enter your link for this week. And don’t forget to grab the badge! Thanks to everyone!


<a href="https://texascatny.wordpress.com/" target="_blank"><img src="https://texascatny.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/vbt-badge-v2-texas_150.jpg" border="0" height="150" width="182"></a>

da tabbies @da tabbies of trout twone

da tabbies @da tabbies of trout twone

savvy @savannah's paw tracks

savvy @savannah’s paw tracks

texas @texas, a cat in ny

texas @texas, a cat in ny

Hiya everyone!

First of all, the VBP post will be posted exceptionally (VBP) by Kitshka tomorrow.

Now to really impawtant things.

How are you doing today? I’m glad that you came because my human has been preparing some treats for my purrthday just for me and I want to share them with my furriends! That’s you!

First things first: look at the beautiful cards I received from my furriends!

My very good furriend, Sammy!

Thank you Sammy! I love your hat!

My sweetest furriend, Savannah!

It’s an honor to have such a beautiful Ladycat sending me a card!

My human’s mother – the best cat sitter EVER! – sent me this yummy cupcake on Facebook!

purrfect cupcake

Doesn’t it look yummy? I bet it’s tuna!

And I also received chicken from Vincent, one of my Facebook fans!

Oh! I almost forgot: my vet sent me a cool ecard too!

Thank you all so furry much! And thank you to all of you who left wishes on my Facebook profile!

Look what I got!

4 different bags of treats, catnip puffs, a catnip pepper and… a tunnel! I love my catnip pepper already!

The tunnel is amazing! It sounds like crinkly paper and there are lights!

I received my best favorite ever food from Europe, thanks to Janina!

And as a cake, my human wanted to make me a tuna cake BUT since I had received all this wonderful food from France, I had my favorite: Tuna & Shrimps!

There is some for everyone, so help yourself! There are treats too! Go ahead! You can taste them all!

Then we can go play in my new tunnel!

Finally, the human had this weird idea to bake something for your humans too. When she told me what she baked, I was shocked! SHOCKED!

Wanna know what it is?

This could be part of our VBP post… take notes Kitshka.

Okay I tell you…

Cat’s tongues! Yes, in French, des langues de chat!

Have no fear! Those are just biscuits that have the shape of our tongues. Ah! Humans really!

You can throw some to your humans, and let’s have fun!

I want to pawty!

Texas & Kitshka: The female human is preparing something in the kitchen

Texas & Kitshka: The female human is preparing something in the kitchen

Texas: What are you doing human?
Kitshka: Is there cream involved?

The human: Chocolate eggs
Texas & Kitshka: Ah…

We want to wish everyone who is celebrating a Happy Easter!

Texas: We want to wish everyone who is celebrating a
Happy Easter!

And to those who do not celebrate, we just wish them Happiness!

Texas: And to those who do not celebrate, we just wish them Happiness!
Kitshka: And cream cheese!

The Human: Texas, it’s the American dream.

Texas: Yes, that’s what I said, the Americat dream. Move over, human! This is my fame here!

Hiya everyone! Today is not Thankful Thursday but it can certainly be – expect a French accent here – Sankful Saturday (Because the French sometimes say “sank you” instead of “thank you”. . . ok whatever!).

So, it’s Thankful Saturday.

Remember back in January when I asked you if you would kindly vote for me in Westchester Magazine’s 2013 Pet of the Year Contest?

You kindly answered and voted for me and I could announce in February that I was among the ten cutest pets (out of 144) of the year in Westchester Magazine.

THANK YOU to all of you who voted for me!
Thank you!

The results of the 2013 Pet Contest is in Westchester Magazine’s April issue.
I am famous.

This is me on the right (don't pay attention to the doggie on the left)

This is me on the right (don’t pay attention to the doggie on the left)

Texas is my brother!

Texas is my brother!

The Human: Well, Texas you are famous in Westchester County, NY.

Texas: human, drop the capital H please. I am a star and you are jealous, that’s it.

The human: No Texas, I am really happy for you!

Texas: Here is the page on Westchester Magazine’s website. Wesley has been chosen as the top pet. My page is here (you can like it if you wish ;-).

Here’s what the humans at the magazine have to say about me:

The Bilingual Blogger
Have you read his blog? Yes, this cat is an ambitious one. When he’s not typing away, you can find Texas snuggled up in the recycling bin, listening to classical music or playing with his sister.

The human: The recycle bin? I wrote “a bag full of other plastic bags we keep for recycling.” That’s not the recycle bin!

Texas: True but… yeah, whatever.

And at the bottom of my page, you can also click to see a video of me (that I have posted below).

The human: oh no, Texas! I’m talking in the video, I hate my accent, you know that!

Texas: I’m famous!

When the humans are in the kitchen, I like to be not too far from them…

Sometimes, little yummy noms fall on the floor and I catch them help the humans clean up.

Sometimes, the humans want me to clean their fingers too. I like to clean their fingers.

But the best moment in the kitchen is in the morning…

That’s when the humans get the cream cheese out of that white and cold closet behind me… Mmmmh… cream cheese…

Is it the white closet they’ve just opened?!?

[Still not sure what VBP is? Check here.]

I take a break from my weekly bilingual VBP post to dispatch (VBP) some news.

First, little-no-so-old me is literally (VBP) in the news! Yes I am!

No, not the newspawper! But I’m in a magazine. You know this bundle (VBP) of glossy (VBP) papers the humans (especially female humans) read. Want to know more? Consider visiting me on Saturday (well, yes, today is VBP day, I can’t take all the glory ;-)

Second piece of news is that little-not-so-old me is turning 7 in exactly one week! I don’t feel like I am aging (VBP)! Can you tell this face is almost 7?

Look at this strong body of mine (Hello! Lady Cats!)

Doesn’t this paw look brand new?

Ah! I knew it! So you are all invited to my purrthday next Thursday. Remember, April 4.

Last and least, my human is abandoning me to go to going to the Blog Paws Conference in May. Everything’s booked (VBP) but the transportation. You think there’s still hope she’ll stay with me?

Below are the past week’s pawticipants. As always, click on the bluey badge at the bottom of this post to enter your link for this week. And don’t forget to grab the badge! Thanks to everyone!


<a href="https://texascatny.wordpress.com/" target="_blank"><img src="https://texascatny.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/vbt-badge-v2-texas_150.jpg" border="0" height="150" width="182"></a>

Gizmo @Terrier Torrent

Gizmo @Terrier Torrent

Ann @Pawsitively Pets

Ann @Pawsitively Pets

Pepi @PepiSmartDog

Pepi @PepiSmartDog

Savvy @Savannah's Paw Tracks

Savvy @Savannah’s Paw Tracks

Texas @Texas, a Cat in NY

Texas @Texas, a Cat in NY

What have you been up to yesterday?

My human was out most of the day yesterday – grocery shopping (there was no more wet food!!) – so I took a little nap.

I was dreaming Spring had finally arrived. It was warm and… my human came home and the cold wind entered the home! I woke up!

Apparently there’s a winter storm coming our way. A WINTER storm. Do we need to elect a new Ceiling Cat or something to finally have Spring?

Meanwhile, if you really don’t know what to do, check what my human has found in the place called Manhattan (click on the picture to go to her blog’s post). She claims this is not raw fish! Hmpf!

Hope you have a great Sunday!

Hiya everyone!

Oh! Someone’s coming! Who is this?

Oh! This is Milou! Hiya Milou! Will you play with me?

No, Milou! Don’t go!

Is someone ever going to let me play with their tail?

[Still not sure what VBP is? Check here.]

I admit it, and not reluctantly (VBP), I have been having fun finding idioms and expressions related to kitties both in English and in French. This is my third post (first here, second there) and I want to mention all the expressions you shared.

Yes, I think this bi-cultural (VBP) interest is the cat’s meow… or the cat’s pyjamas.

Unfortunately, there is no exact French translation for these expressions, at least none with the word cat. An appropriate translation, depending on the context, could be le fin du fin (the best of the best, or la crème de la crème – nom!).

Now, let me illustrate the cat’s meow according to Kitshka (we hope we get it right).

Would you say my tocks are the cat’s meow for Kitshka?

If you are interested in learning more about French expressions that are about cats, we would like to suggest this page done by our furriends at Autour des Chats. It is very well done!
We will also keep on featuring (VBP) French and English expressions here =^.^=

Below are the past week’s pawticipants. As always, click on the bluey badge at the bottom of this post to enter your link for this week. And don’t forget to grab the badge! Thanks to everyone!


<a href="https://texascatny.wordpress.com/" target="_blank"><img src="https://texascatny.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/vbt-badge-v2-texas_150.jpg" border="0" height="150" width="182"></a>

da tabbies @da tabbies o trout towne

da tabbies @da tabbies o trout towne

Savvy @Savannah's Paw Tracks

Savvy @Savannah’s Paw Tracks

Texas @Texas, a Cat in NY

Texas @Texas, a Cat in NY

We had a post from Ann, of Zoolatry but for some reason the link has disappeared?! I don’t understand what happened. Ann, if you want to resubmit your linkie, we will gladly add it!

Happy VBP week, furriends!

My human and I were very saddened to learn that Eric, from Eric and Flynn – Two Devon Cats, has left for the Rainbow Bridge.

Design by Ann, of Zoolatry

Design by Ann, of Zoolatry

“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”
― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

We know you are flying high and free now. You are a star among the stars.

Purrs and Hugs for Flynn and his humans.

The human came to us yesterday evening to tell us that she was ready to help me, Texas, with the typing for my blog. She had a little time.

She thinks we wait for her to get a life. Well, no human. We are busy doing impawtant things most of the time.

So come back later. Thank you.

I think the female human loves my toesies a lot. I wonder why.

I also wonder if that could get me some cream cheese…

[Still not sure what VBP is? Check here.]

Two weeks ago (already!), I posted a VBP post about French and English idioms that were related to kitties.

My dear furriends and readers shared some other idioms and expressions that I would like to start sharing with you today.

First one was suggested by Easy.

to put a spoke in somebody’s wheel: to spoil someone else’s plans and stop them from doing something

We knew the literal translation in French, that is “mettre des batons dans les roues”.

But Easy knew another translation that we like better – kind of:

“to throw a cat in someone’s legs” or in French, “jeter un chat aux jambes de quelqu’un”.

Sammy mentioned the expression “cat got your tongue?” which in French would translate into “tu as donné ta langue au chat ?” (“you gave your tongue to the cat?”).

Clowie reminded us of the expression “when the cat’s away, the mice will play”, with translates exactly the same in French: quand le chat n’est pas là, les souris dansent.”

More next week =^.^=

Below are the past two week’s pawticipants. As always, click on the bluey badge at the bottom of this post to enter your link for this week. And don’t forget to grab the badge! Thanks to everyone!


<a href="https://texascatny.wordpress.com/" target="_blank"><img src="https://texascatny.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/vbt-badge-v2-texas_150.jpg" border="0" height="150" width="182"></a>

da tabbies @da tabbies of trout towne

da tabbies @da tabbies of trout towne

Ann @Pawsitively Pets

Ann @Pawsitively Pets

Easy @Easy Rider

Easy @Easy Rider

Loy @Yikes! Loy Turns 60

Loy @Yikes! Loy Turns 60

Dash Kitten @Dash Kitten

Dash Kitten @Dash Kitten

Savvy @Savannah's Paw Tracks

Savvy @Savannah’s Paw Tracks

Texas @Texas, a cat in NY

Texas @Texas, a cat in NY

da tabbies @da tabbies of trout towne

da tabbies @da tabbies of trout towne

Gizmo @Terrier Torrent

Gizmo @Terrier Torrent

Ann @Zoolatry

Ann @Zoolatry

Socks @Alasandra, The Cats & Dog

Socks @Alasandra, The Cats & Dog

Ann @Pawsitively Pets

Ann @Pawsitively Pets

Savvy @Savannah's Paw Tracks

Savvy @Savannah’s Paw Tracks

Texas @ Texas, a cat in NY

Texas @ Texas, a cat in NY

I must apologize (again) for my human: I was unable to post a VBP post the past week and only my furriend Savannah posted one here. Thank you, Savannah.

As a reminder (VBP), you can still post your VBP post until tonight for this week and enter the link to your post via Savannah’s post by clicking on the bluey badge.

Between her “work” and her “classes,” my human monopolized (VBP) the computer and ignored our longing (VBP) for blogging and visiting our furriends. Hmpf.

But fear not my furriends, tomorrow there will be a new VBP post AND I will also post the links to the past two weeks’ pawticipants =^.^=

Meanwhile, Kitshka and I are getting ready for Spring, preparing our fur as necessary. Except Kitshka is more interested in playing… (Notice the laser eyes to the human ;-)

Have a great Wednesday everyone!

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